During my 2 days of downtime in Madurai, I visited the Gandhi Museum. The museum was built in Madurai in honor of Gandhi's decision to go back to home spun clothing and traditional ways of dress and living while in Madurai. Several paintings and pictures adorn the walls of the museum detailing the oppression and rise to peace in India over the centuries. Most powerful for me was seeing the robe Gandhi was assassinated in, still bearing the blood stains of this Christ-like man. Overwhelming moment. I was the only one in the room and was brought to tears thinking about the world...and my place in it.

Then, after little time for wandering, Ram and I hit the ground running to prepare for India's first residential Arts for Autism Festival. For 3 days 15 families from around the country spent time together at a secluded retreat in Madurai. At the festival children were taught painting, music, and drama and were encouraged to share their work on the final evening for the public. Pictured below is the candle lighting ceremony in the meditation chapel to begin the festival.

We were able to spend a lot of time working with the mask using Ram's Mask for Autism module. I have to admit, I was not 100% sold on the mask before arriving in India...my attitude towards the mask has now changed. In Bangalore I saw children fighting over masks on the final day of the workshops...the same children were reluctant to wear the mask on day one of the workshop. In Hyderabad I saw a grandfather find connections with his grandson through creative play wearing the masks. The most dramatic support for the use of the mask came in Madurai...one young man came to the festival and literally covered his face with his arm for 2 days straight. I whispered to Ram that we should try the mask with him..and we did. As soon as the boy started wearing the mask his hands dropped and he started dancing and playing with the kids. By the end of day 3 he was not needing the mask and was keeping his hands and arms down while dancing with the other children...when he got overwhelmed he would put the mask on for awhile...total transformation. His parents came up to us with tears in their eyes saying "it's a miracle from god"...not sure about that...just some people willing to try something new and fun...no miracles...just creative experimentation...

Another family really tied into the idea of focal point training using flashlights to build attention. One father was so excited about the method that he brought a flashlight to the Temple to work with his son on attention shifting. In all 3 cities the flashlight exercises became very powerful tools for working on attention shifting and focus....lots of fun!

Parents and their children danced and sang songs before an audience of observers. Observers were shocked and moved to tears saying "We thought everyone would be sad and moaning...and to see parents and children so happy is such a surprise". A great moment for Ram, Madurai, and the parents and children of India.
Now it's time to come home...I am ready to hug my wife and kids, and anxious to see my families in West Virginia...ready to share the love and energy received from India with my neighbors and children in the green mountains of home.

Thanks for being with me....best wishes,
don't you think God uses ordinary, creative, willing people to perform miracles? I think you're underestimating the work God can do through you... I would agree that the things you saw happen WERE miracles from God...just like the miracles using a little country girl who said "let it be as you have said" 2000 years ago... :) Just had to go there, you know... :)